User-Centered Research and Evaluation (UCRE)
Course Information
Course Number
HCI Undergraduate: 05-410
HCI Graduate: 05-610
Program Requirement
This is a required course for
Additional Major in Interdisciplinary HCI
Course Description
This course provides and overview and introduction to the field of human-computer interaction (HCI). It introduces students to tools, techniques, and sources of information about HCI and provides a systematic approach to design. The course increases awareness of good and bad design through observation of existing technology, and teaches the basic skills of task analysis, and analytic and empirical evaluation methods. This is a companion course to courses in visual design (05-650) and software implementation (05-630, 05-631). Course is open to undergrads and graduate level non-HCI majors. First-year students (freshman) must get permission of the instructor.
*Note on scheduling:
UCRE involves both lecture and extensive practice opportunities. Typically, lectures occur on Wednesdays with the associated practice session happening in the lab section on Monday. However, there are some weeks in which both days are needed for lectures, and some weeks in which both days are needed for more extensive practice. Therefore, lecture and lab sections are reserved on both days, but will never overlap.
Semester Offered and Units
Semester: Fall and Spring
Undergraduate: 12
Graduate: 12
Enrollment Requirements
When registering for this course, undergraduate students are automatically placed the wait list and will be manually added to the class by the academic coordinator based on several factors: whether or not they are in the additional HCI major, their year in school (e.g. seniors, juniors, etc.) and the current semester. In the Fall, this course is NOT open to students outside the HCI major. However, in the Spring semester, the course is open to all students.